7th World Logic Day - 15 January 2025 - DTU Compute Talks 322/105 13:00
Jørgen Villadsen (DTU Compute):
Formalizing 1000+ Theorems
Thomas Holme Surlykke (University of Copenhagen):
A Formal Proof in Isabelle of the Impossibility of the Dissection of a Cube
Thomas Bolander (DTU Compute):
The Logic of Attention
Jens Classen (Roskilde University):
LTLf Synthesis on First-Order Agent Programs in Nondeterministic Environments
6th World Logic Day - 12 January 2024 - DTU Compute Talks 101/S16 13:00
Patrick Blackburn (Roskilde University):
This Time as Grandfather...
Thomas Bolander (DTU Compute):
Better Bounded Bisimulation Contractions
Jørgen Villadsen (DTU Compute):
From Core Logic to Higher-Order Logic in the Isabelle Proof Assistant
5th World Logic Day - 13 January 2023 - DTU Compute Talks 322/105 13:00
Anders Schlichtkrull (AAU CPH Computer Science):
Differential Testing of Pushdown Reachability with a Formally Verified Oracle
Jørgen Villadsen (DTU Compute):
The Proof Project - Tools for Teaching Logic
Thomas Bolander (DTU Compute):
Attention, Beliefs and How They Interact
Simon Tobias Lund (DTU Compute):
Formalizing Axiomatic Group Knowledge
Iga Kalina Lewandowska & Jose Seijas Vega (DTU Compute):
Implementation of Elements of Dependence Logic
Abhista Partal Balasubramaniam (DTU Compute):
Logic for Neural Networks Assisted by Neuro-Evolution
4th World Logic Day - 11 January 2022 - Another Zoom on Logic: Online Talks 14:00-15:00
Alexander Birch Jensen - PhD Student - Algorithms, Logic and Graphs (AlgoLoG), DTU Compute
Machine-Checked Verification of Cognitive Agents
Simon Tobias Lund - MSc Student - Algorithms, Logic and Graphs (AlgoLoG), DTU Compute
On Verified Automated Reasoning in Propositional Logic
Torben Braüner - Professor - Programming, Logic and Intelligent Systems (PLIS), Roskilde University
Case Study: Logical and Mathematical Understanding in Comparison to Other Academic Competences
3rd World Logic Day - 14 January 2021 - A Zoom on Logic: Online Talks 13:00-15:00
Logic and Cognition - Torben Braüner - Programming, Logic and Intelligent Systems (PLIS), Roskilde University
Hybrid Logic - Asta Halkjær From - Algorithms, Logic and Graphs (AlgoLoG), DTU Compute
Actris in Coq - Jesper Bengtson - Programming, Logic and Semantics (PLS), IT University of Copenhagen
GOAL in Isabelle - Alexander Birch Jensen - Algorithms, Logic and Graphs (AlgoLoG), DTU Compute
Awareness, Attention, and Logic - Gaia Belardinelli - Center for Information and Bubble Studies (CIBS), University of Copenhagen
2nd World Logic Day - 14 January 2020 - DTU Compute Talks 322/205 13:00
Jørgen Villadsen (Algorithm, Logic and Graphs Section): About World Logic Day
14 January was officially proclaimed as the World Logic Day at the 40th session of the General Conference of UNESCO in November 2019.
Sebastian Alexander Mödersheim (Formal Methods Section): How Logic Can Save the World from Totalitarism
We give a brief overview about alpha-beta-privacy: an approach to use Logic to specify and reason about privacy-type goals of IT systems.
Jørgen Fischer Nilsson (Algorithm, Logic and Graphs Section): Natural Logic
Natural logics attempt to conduct logical reasoning directly in natural language forms instead of, say, predicate logic. Natural logics have a long history and are now gaining interest in artificial intelligence and knowledge based systems.
Organized under the auspices of UNESCO.
1st World Logic Day - 14 January 2019 - DTU Compute Invited Talk 322/017 13:00
Martin Mose Bentzen (DTU Management Engineering): Logic, AI and Philosophy
Thomas Bolander
Nina Gierasimczuk
Jørgen Villadsen
ACM Special Interest Group on Logic and Computation (SIGLOG)
Association for Automated Reasoning (AAR)
Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI)
Association for Logic Programming (ALP)
Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL)
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
Copenhagen Association for Dynamics, Interaction, Logic, Language, and Computation (CADILLAC)
European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI)
European Association for Computer Science Logic (EACSL)
European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS)
Initiative for Logic and Foundations (ILOAF)
International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS)
Scandinavian Logic Society (SLS)